Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Hypnotize Someone Quickly

Want to hypnotize someone really quick? Even though you never have done it, and don't really know anything about hypnosis? Well, it is possible and not difficult at all. Think of it as playing in the laboratory of the mind, and instead of experimenting with chemical substances, you simply experiment with emotions and different states of consciousness.

The most important thing at this step is to really approach it as a game, and have fun with it. This is the most learning-friendly state your mind can be in - think about it; when kids learn something really fast, then they do it playing and having fun. When your brain releases dopamine, it really does aid learning.

What you want to do is to find a willing partner who also wants to give this whole thing a try. Find someone who trusts and likes you, and who is open to the idea of being hypnotized.

At this point it is not at all about getting people to do some amazing thing under hypnosis - it is just about experiencing altered states of consciousness, and practicing flexibility of the mind.

So here is what you want to do: find a quiet room where you can be private and undisturbed. The room temperature should be comfortable. Both of you sit down on a chair, and just be relaxed.

Now, one person should simply sit and breathe in and out, while the other person (the hypnotist) watches the breath and puts on hand on the shoulder of the other person (the hypnotic subject).

Now, the hypnotist takes the other hand and makes a movement in front of the other person's chest. Not directly on or nearly the chest, but in a comfortable distance. Every time the hypnotic subject breathes in, your hand moves toward the chest of the hypnotic subject (but never don't touch the body), and every time the hypnotic subject breathes out, your hand moves away from the hypnotic subject. Do this for a couple of minutes.

This process is called pacing, and it is even better if you can breathe in sync with the hypnotic subject in a relaxed manner.

The next step is to talk to the hypnotic subject, in a relaxed way, in their own breathing rhythm. Talk slowly, and it does not really matter what you say. It is best to talk about something relaxing, like a vacation or a tropical island. Tell the person to imagine that he or she is in a very nice place where the sun shines, and he enjoys a gently breeze on a warm and sunny day, maybe at the beach. Involve all the senses, and talk for example how the sand between their toes feel. Just create pleasant mental imagery in their mind.

Play around a little bit with this, and you will be surprised how easy it can be to lead people into other states of consciousness. Watch out for changes in their facial expression, changes in the frequency of their eye blinking, and the speed of their breathing. All of this indicates that something is changing within them.

This is the first step - the next step is to learn more about how to utilize altered states, and how to deepen them. But experimenting with this a couple of times will be of great use for you already to become familiar with the signs of the hypnotic process.

For more detailed instructions and mind control techniques visit and grab your exclusive copy of the Conversational Coercion Crash Course while it's still free.

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