Thursday, October 21, 2010

Almost Evil Mind Control Techniques From Underground Hypnosis

If you want to know hyper-effective mind-control techniques that work so well that they are almost evil, then read this article. Using underground hypnosis and conversational coercion, you really can turn other people into puppets and be the one pulling the strings. But there is no need to be evil - in fact, you will achieve far more if you do good using these mind-control methods.
Underground Hypnosis
With underground hypnosis, you can use all kinds of hypnotic language patterns to twist other people's minds any way you please. One very basic example are stacked presuppositions.
A presupposition is basically a statement that implies something else too. A very simple example is the sentence: "Did he do it again?" The questions asks whether he did it again, but it implies that it is not the first time, and thus he already did it before.
At such a very basic level, it is very easy for someone to answer: "No, he did not do it again, and in fact, he never did it in the first place to start with." But when you stack several layers of presuppositions on top of each other, you can "overload" a person's conscious processing power.
You might have heard that the conscious human mind is only capable of processing about seven information units at any given time. That is why phone numbers traditionally have seven digits. So if you make a statement that contains more than seven presuppositions, people will subconsciously accept some of these. (In most cases, even less than seven are totally fine, because during a conversation there are many more things to pay attention to, not just the presuppositions).
Also, this is just one element of underground hypnosis - if you add more elements to it, it becomes even more powerful.
Disinhibition is another powerful mind-control technique. Basically what you do is to encourage child-like behavior. This is a technique that is more advanced and requires some rapport. But basically, when you are in a conversation with someone, you can get them to behave childishly.
For example, one way could be to talk about a person's self-confidence. You could then mention that many children are totally confident to have fun, and that the person should try just doing something that children enjoy. In fact - go first, sing a song while clapping your hands, or just make some kind of silly jokes.
Once you have them behaving in a childish way, it is very easy to get them to do other things, because this child-like behavior triggers obedience. All of the sudden, the subconscious roles of your interaction turn into you being the parent authority figure, while they are the child.
The example you just read about is very simple, but you can use more elaborate settings to create much more powerful psychological effects on to control other people.
Remember that these mind control techniques are neither good nor evil in and of themselves. It is what you do with them. Should you want to cause other people harm with these techniques, it is possible to do so, but be strongly advised against it. In most cases, malicious behavior is simply not necessary. First of all, you will create enemies who might then one day try to seek revenge in ways you don't anticipate. Remember the old saying "what goes around comes around". And second, if you focus on positive things, then this will have a positive influence on your own life.
For more underground hypnosis and mind control techniques visit and grab your exclusive copy of the Conversational Coercion Crash Course while it's still free.

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