Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to Control People With Mind Control Techniques

If you want to know how to control people with mind control techniques, then read the following few paragraphs. You will learn about the secrets of getting anyone to do anything.
Most people are pretty much like "persuasion-dyslexic". They simply have no ideas of the ABCs of influence - and that's because these things are not usually taught unless someone really seeks out a teacher with that specific purpose in mind.
But this lack of knowledge about mind control techniques is great news for you - because it will make things so much easier for you.

The thing that most people rely on when it comes to getting people to do things is rewards and punishments. Sometimes they use financial or other kinds of material rewards and punishments, sometimes they use emotional rewards and punishments. While in fact, ALL effective rewards and punishments are in essence emotional!
But what can be achieved with rewards and punishments is very little - there are way more powerful methods to control other people.
Hypnotic language patterns for example allow you to use the power of words to change people. You can alter their beliefs, change their feelings, influence their thoughts, manipulate their behaviors - all through the power of the spoken word.
There are overt and covert hypnotic language patterns. Overt essentially means that it is clear and obvious that you are using hypnosis on a subject, whereas covert hypnosis (also known as conversational coercion) is a form of "stealth hypnosis" that flies under the radar of the critical thinking filter.

Some people shy away from mind control techniques because they have ethical concerns. But in the end you have to make a mature choice: either be in control or be controlled. The ethics is only about what you do with it: you can use these powers for good or bad. And that means you possess the power to make the world either a better place or a worse place.
Again - it is convenient to push away your responsibilities and continue living like a sheep, going with the herd and pretending that you do it because of ethical concerns. But if you face reality, you will see that controlling others is neither good or bad itself - whereas not controlling others is more often bad than not.
Apart of that - you are already influencing other people. Everyone is. It is just that some people are influencing others intentionally and purposefully, whereas others are influencing people randomly and coincidentally.

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