Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to Mind Control a Person With Impromptu Hypnosis

If you want to know how to mind control a person, then impromptu hypnosis is for you. Even if you have no prior experience or knowledge in the field of hypnosis, psychology or persuasion, impromptu hypnosis and conversational coercion allow you to quickly master the art of controlling minds.

Impromptu hypnosis is about the art of hypnotizing people with a spur-of-the-moment approach. You can do it anywhere, anytime and with anybody. And you do not need to be prepared for it - once you know about how it works, it's as easy as shaking another person's hand.
You  can think of it as a form of instant mind control. Traditionally, mind control techniques take many weeks or months until they lead to the desired outcomes. But with impromptu hypnosis, you can accelerate this process drastically.
The greatest hypnotherapist of the last century, Milton H. Erickson, referred to hypnosis as "a state of special awareness characterized by receptiveness to ideas". For the purpose of mind control, this "receptiveness to ideas" is what is most important.
It really is about making people want to receive your ideas, rather than pushing your ideas to these people. If they crave your commands, then you will be in a lot position of power that is much stronger than if you try to order them around.
Most people who try to mind control a person try it "the army bootcamp style", they employ what I call "mental force". In impromptu hypnosis, you can instead use emotional desire generators to make them want to do what you want them to do.
You can for example induce psychological regressions that puts them back into earlier mental development stages - which makes it easier to manipulate them.
One of the most powerful skills in impromptu hypnosis are induction techniques. There are all kinds of induction techniques, but when you go about learning how to mind control a person, you should better focus on mastering one hypnotic induction technique really well, rather than kind of knowing about twenty induction techniques on a superficial level. There simply is no single ultimate hypnotic induction technique that is more effective than all the others. It is just a question of how good you have become at utilizing the technique.

Also, realize that the purpose of an induction is not to put a person into incredibly deep hypnotic trance states. The purpose of an induction is to induce a hypnotic state. Once this hypnotic state is induced, you can then use techniques to deepen the trance. But these are two different kinds of tasks. It is kind of like turning the key to start a car - that is the hypnotic induction. And then putting in the gear and pushing the gas, that is the process of hypnotic intensification.
For more detailed instructions on impromptu hypnosis and mind control techniques visit and grab your exclusive copy of the Conversational Coercion Crash Course while it's still free.

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