Monday, October 18, 2010

How To Control People With Mind Control Techniques

 If you want to know how to control people with mind control techniques, then this is the article you'll want to read. You'll learn how to use embedded commands in everyday conversations, how to control others by manipulating their emotions and why hypnosis can be a powerful way to coerce other people to do whatever you want them to. So let's get started right away.

Control People With Embedded Commands
Embedded commands are a hypnotic language pattern that is commonly used in conversational hypnosis. It allows you to essentially order people to do what you want them to do - without actually order them. These commands are "hidden" or "embedded" inside a completely normal 
sentence during the course of a conversation.
Control People by Manipulating Their Emotions
Humans make decisions based on their emotion. Almost every decision we make in life is an emotional decision. A lot of people are opposed to these kinds of statements and vehemently deny their validity. Maybe even you are one of them. But if you want to know how to control people, then it's essential that you really understand this. We make decisions based on our emotions, and then we use logic and reasoning to justify the decisions we made. That's why when you can manipulate their emotions, you can dictate their decisions. What's best - you won't even have to try to convince them. They will do all the convincing themselves, because emotionally, you have already stirred them in the direction you want them to go.
Control People With Conversational Hypnosis
Conversational hypnosis is also known as covert hypnosis or hidden hypnosis, or even disguised hypnosis - essentially, it's all the same. Rather than hypnotizing someone in an obvious manner, you hypnotize people secretly, without them knowing it. That's the whole concept of conversational hypnosis, and it's one of the most powerful ways to control other people.
Now you learned about three methods to control people. You know about embedded commands, about manipulating other people's emotions to have them make the decisions you want them to make and you learned about using conversational hypnosis to control them. If you apply just one of these methods correctly, you will easily be able to turn other people into puppets on a string - and you're the psychological puppet master.

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