Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wickedly Evil Mind Control Techniques

If you want to know about wickedly evil mind control techniques that allow you to literally put people under your spell and make them do what you want them to do, then this article is for you. With the help of advanced hidden hypnosis tactics, persuasion patterns and conversational coercion, manipulating other people becomes easy.

In order to become such a persuasive person, you need to get a deep understanding of human nature. And the best way to get this understanding is not just by observing other people, but by observing yourself with objective eyes.
If you are able to acknowledge and recognize your own weaknesses, wrongdoings, excuses, maneuvers, then it all of the sudden will become so vividly clear what is going on in other people's heads - and how to influence it.
One of the first truths you will have to accept about yourself is that you are an emotional creature. All your decisions are based upon emotions. One of my mentors taught me that human beings make emotional decisions, but then we use logic and reasoning to justify these decisions.
Most people have a really hard time to acknowledge this. We like to think of ourselves as logical, reasoning individuals. It is difficult to acknowledge how much power emotions have over our lives, and how little power our intellect really has.
(There are a lot of highly intelligent people who devastated their lives and died regretting what they did with the time they had on earth. But there are very few people who with a high degree of emotional intelligence that are not happy with their lives).

Once you accept this simple psychological fact, and really acknowledge it as an inner reality, you will easily be able to manipulate other people's emotions in order to influence their decision-making process, and thus be able to coerce them to do what you want them to do.
For more detailed instructions and mind control techniques visit http://www.ConversationalCoercion.com and grab your exclusive copy of the Conversational Coercion Crash Course while it's still free.

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